Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Soccer World Cup

I think it’s fair to say that most, if not all Americans know nothing about football and I am in the unique position, for the first time in my life, as being regarded as a footballing knowledge. Now, don’t get me wrong, I keep up an interest in the game, but I will be the first to admit I actually know comparatively very little. I like to watch the FA Cup, and could probably tell you who won the Premiership for the past few seasons. But as for watching Match of the Day religiously, no, not so much. However when it comes to the short sharp tournament, count me in. Add to that the national event aspect and I am so there!

So I’m quite enjoying the World Cup thus far. I have seen loads of games, despite the kick off times here (9.00am, 12.00pm and 3.00pm). I have downloaded podcasts from Five Live and I have made my predications on who will beat who. It’s kind of a competition with the people in Greenville. I hoping I won’t let down my European heritage by coming last in that.

But back to my point, Americans know nothing about football. I was watching David Letterman last week, I’m sure you’ve heard of him. Anyway in his little stand up bit he said, and I quote, ‘later this week the soccer World Cup starts, it’s on every six years…’. Every one of the 5.75 billion people in the rest of the world know it’s every four years. And in what other country, with a team in the finals I might add, needed to be reminded that it started last week? And where else but America do they have to define the World Cup as being soccer? During the England game there were some remarkable statements made during the commentary. England were referred to as ‘Germany’ and he actually called the captain ‘Michael Beckham’. That’s when the first tear slowly fell from my face.

The coverage here really isn’t that far away from that piss take (at least I thought it was a piss take) of an advert that we had when Budweiser took over sponsorship of the Premiership. Sorry the ‘Premiere League’.

I suppose I should just be glad they run the full 45 minutes without an advert. I do miss the punditry at half time though, no diabolical defending here.

1 comment:

Tina said...

It took me a long time to release it but the sky's default setting doesn't have to be cloudy! Please tell the committee that when you see them. I would hate for bright blue skies to be the reason why LJHW didn't happen!

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