If know me at all, you’ll know I hate noises eating noises and the like. People hitting cutlery off their teeth, slurping drinks, and generally eating like a donkey grates on me like nails down a blackboard to other people. A few seconds into the dinner last night I turned to see what the noise was to discover it was Wallace sniffing. He carried this on every other second of the entire meal. And where was Sniffy Snifferson sitting? Right beside me of course. Believe me when I say I could not get to a snuffle free environment quick enough, and I internally cursed my mother when she presented the dessert. Food fans will be pleased to hear that I endured the intolerable sniffing for a further five minutes to enjoy the best apple pie in the world…ever.
In other news I got a new phone. Last year I didn’t have much choice in turning my back on Nokia, this year I did and I switched to Sony Ericcson. I feel like I am cheating on Nokia, really I do. There are a few annoying things about it, like I can’t seem to change the left and right menu buttons, I press the wrong buttons all the time, ‘bt’ comes up before ‘at’ and most worrying for y’all, I may have to take photos with the phone sideways which will give away the game for the old surreptitious photos.

I can’t decide if I like the red or not. Technically I can still return it if I don’t like it so all is not lost for Nokia.
But I do think it’s relatively easy to use, it’s got a good clear screen, and how sad am I – like the font. Ruth has also shown me the cool animation things you can add to messages. So all things considered it’s not bad.
One thing though, in predictive text why does ‘nun’ come up before ‘mum’ and ‘sacred’ before ‘scared’? Why would the inventor of predictive text put those first? I can’t think of one instance in my life when I have needed to write ‘nun’ in a hurry. Nope, not one. Neither can I think of a sentence where I would put 'sacred'. ‘Holy’ maybe, but not 'sacred'. Also ‘monk’ isn’t a known word? Seems a little unfair to me. If I were a monk I’d be writing a sternly worded letter. Maybe I’ll petition on their behalf. Or then again, maybe I'll not.
hello new sony ericsson friend! i would firstly like to state that this is not meant to come across as gloating... it is me trying to help you love your new phone!
in every SE phone i've had the predictive text seems to change to the words you use most, so hopefully 'mum' and 'at' will soon be 1st choice! Also re menu buttons, you may not be able to change them but you should be able to change your shortcut buttons (what happens when u toggle left, right, up or down from the so called homepage.) that should be in general settings somewhere. and what is the craic with the landscape photos? i've not heard that one before??
helping not gloating...
Ha ha! Yeah I manage to change the up, down, left and right on the toggle whasit. It irritates me that there are two buttons that take me straight to the menu. Waste of a button. I could use that for so many other things!
Generally, I can see plus points of SE. But I still like to think of myself as a Nokia Girl and this being a test run.
Trying to get the best out of my phone from people in the know not moaning...
Re. Landscape photos. I just meant that if I have to turn my phone round to take photos then that might give the game away to weird people that I'm taking a photo of them!
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