Later that day in the office I was telling some the TOM Chris' story, and Graham H announced that he was in fact named after Graham Norton. No, seriously he is. (Some connection with their mums and an aunt that I couldn’t detail with any degree of confidence.) Graham said that he would love to meet him and tell him he’s named after him.
So cut to me driving home along my traditional route of Sandy Row. At the ‘You are now entering…’ mural I saw a film crew so naturally looked to see which small fish of a TV reporter it was from BBC NI or UTV. But you know what is coming, it was Graham Norton.
Naturally, I did a u-turn in the road and drove past him again. Then I did another, this time taking out my phone to get a picture. In the end I turned in the side street to take it. If he wasn’t doing his bit to camera I might have got out and had a chat myself, but driving past him four times I already felt a bit wick. Plus I swear he was looking right at me when I was taking the picture so my embarrassment led me home.

Today was also the day I discovered that my phone doesn't have zoom. (And dammit all, it's too late to return now.) But I promise you, that group is the film crew and Graham (or as t'other Graham called him earlier, 'the flamboyant homosexual'). But I know you believe me, like I could make any of this stuff up!
Driving home though it suddenly struck me that had I got out and talked to him, I could have been a modern day Cilla/Jimmy and got the two Grahams together. And it would have made at least one of the Graham's dream come true.
That definitely would have made the programme. I so could have been on TV.
I did see him! Honestly! Insulted that you'd think I'd lie!
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