Anyway, Autumn Soul was good. I didn’t really experience it as a punter but then that’s not what I’m paid to do. I was pleased with how my end of things went. Registration was on the whole smooth, I loved fast track registration. Centrepoint was crazy with people at times but everything I felt everything was under control.
My own personal highlights were mostly Sweeney related – Jud’s interpretive dance, Owen's mood when we were counting money and the traditional Sweeney sponsored Centrepoint game of Charades (Owen’s forty five minute mime of Anchorman was legendary). I also enjoyed the walkie talkie fun on Satuday night, and even though I had seen it before the Team on Mission video was hilarious. One slightly depressing note was that I didn’t recognise myself in the montage at the end, so rough I looked.

Pam working out how many words in 'The Lion King'.

Me and my best friend at the weekend, my walkie talkie. I felt naked without it when I had to return it.

I heard that there were 300 balloons in the release. How come it looked like 50?
But there were holy moments too. This was the first proper time I heard the Autumn Soul Band and I thought they were brilliant. So holy moments then. I didn’t hear much of Brian Heasley but I did hear the ‘breathe in breathe out’ bit which was simple yet genius. I loved that the girls from youth fellowship were there and to see them worshipping God in the real, truthful and sincere way they did was just fantastic. So they inspired me too.
And a good time was had by all.
i like the way you have mentioned me but disapointed no pictures.
but you can join us at christmas for a game of charades anytime
Yay!! Sweeney fun!
Don't know how I came away without any photos of you! But I do have a simply beautiful interpretative dance!
Well of course you are critical to the Sweeney fun! Not least for the stares when Jud and Owen fight!
So I can be up anytime after my Christmas lunch, you just tell me the time! Ha ha!
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