Enough time to walk it. Still as beautiful as ever.
I still know it like the back of my hand.
Is it wrong that I love small town America so much?
Still weird in a cool way.
Anyway, here's the photos.

It was a weird feeling being back, like I was home.

In Waynesville I went to Whitman's Bakery. This is a Napoleon which I believe contains all the energy and fat you're allowed in a week.

I couldn't believe my eyes as I was leaving - there was a protest downtown. With placards and everything. That never happened when I lived there! I had to circle around to get a photo. The protest was about the war in Iraq. Quick off the mark with that one eh?

My car was a serious disappointment after the Highlander in Colorado. Wind down windows and only one cup holder. I didn't think they even made cars with only one cup holder!

I love adopting statue poses! This me doing my best Chief Junaluska.
At the weekend Jose, Lindy and Matt came up for the weekend and we skied just down the road from the lake, staying at Lindy's cabin again.

How Aspen do I look?!
Check out this video of Jose on the 'elements'.
It was all I could do not to laugh on the video.
On the way back south, Jose and I stopped at Chimney Rock, a local tourist site that I never made it to.

The Last of the Mohicans was filmed here so they told me.

Apparently I thought there was a danger I wouldn't be in the photo.
So now I'm in New York City, staying with my cool friend Michelle. Good times.