1. We slept in til nearly double numbers. Jose did a good job in letting us sleep, and when the time came, he woke us up very gently.
2. The boys cooked us breakfast.
3. It snowed all morning and some of the afternoon making lovely powder to ski on.
4. We skied from lunchtime to 9.30pm
5. We had a gorgeous midnight dinner back in the cabin.
I fell a whole ton of times. I stopped counting, but think it was somewhere around the 6-8 mark. Gatlinburg was clearly a fluke. Although I was a lot more daring this time. I went faster, snow ploughed less and went over the little tiny bumps that I would like to exaggerate into moguls but really weren’t. I landed those jumps every time!
Two of my falls were sore though! A snow boarder completely took me out. He should have seen me but didn’t. By the time I saw him there was nowhere else to go. I landed smack on my left hip on ice. Pain. I laughed it off though, picked myself up and got on with it. As crashes go it really wasn’t that bad.
The very next run down though I totally wiped out a ten year old boy. I was going down my favourite part of the run, just after the ‘moguls’. I was flying and suddenly to my left, out of nowhere there he was. Bam. Straight into him, skis flying everywhere. He landed about 10 feet from me. As he got up he let his anger towards me be known, ‘agh! I’m trying not to fall!’ Slightly ashamed of myself for swearing loudly as we crashed, I apologised and asked was he alright. I told him that that shouldn’t count as a fall for him, as I crashed into him. This, surprisingly, did not help his clear resentment towards me.
Unfortunately I landed smack on my left hip. So while it might have been a perfect Saturday, I think it might also have brought on my hip replacement by a good ten years. Annoyingly, there is no bruise. But that’s probably a good thing, because I would show anyone who cared to look if it was a good one. The number of people who were subjected to the ones on my knees last week was long (yet distinguished!) I was thinking about going for a run tonight. However as I am still moving like an old lady the only place I will be running to is the sofa. Thankfully I can lie on my right side and still be facing the TV.

It was Presidents’ Day Weekend which is a half-hearted holiday (places charge more, but only the lucky few get today off) so it was packed!

Chair lift fun! Megan and Robert (who is not turning prematurely grey, it’s frozen hair).

Pretty mountains and snow

The group minus Melissa who took the photo. Left to right is Billy, Lindy, Jose, Megan, Robert and me.

Another great breakfast lovingly prepared by the boys on Sunday! I know no boys who would cook breakfast for girls at home. Not unless there was an ulterior motive but even then it would not be two days in a row.
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