So today is Pancake Day! Yay! It’s one of my most favourite days in the year. It always seems to come up awfully quickly. Mother has emailed me the recipe for making them and I consulted tinternet to convert ounces (mum is old school – metric makes no sense to her) to cups (American way of measuring – I have no idea why. A cup seems a bit too ambiguous for baking and the like) so I’m all good to go.
Actually I already had pancakes today at a church fundraiser thing. Maggie and I went at lunchtime. It was quite good, took a few photos for you.

Pancakes here seem to be much thicker than the ones we make. More like the ones Ormo make (yes, I realise they are still technically pancakes, but they're not pancakes like I have on Pancake Tuesday). Anyway, also on my plate is a tiny bit of fried to the death bacon. I rarely eat bacon, and if I do it cannot be crispy so I gave mine away. There are also sausages, although they look more like burgers. They're sausage patties apparently.

This was the 50th year of the Pancake thing in the church (is it harsh to say that some of these people look like they were around for the first one?!) The men make the pancakes out in the hall, while the women cook the bacon and sausages in the kitchen. Men are such glory hunters! Just like at barbeques, boys are always in charge of barbeques.
I’m not sure what I’ll give up for lent. I was thinking about smoking, illegal drug use, coffee, tea and guacamole. But then I realised I don’t do/drink/eat any of those. So maybe I’ll take up something instead. Julie and I have a well tested theory that it is much harder to have to do something over Lent that to have to avoid something. So smoking, illegal drug use, coffee, tea and guacamole then?
In past years I have given up fizzy drinks (I would not be as stupid to do that in the land of free refills), chocolate (pretty much don’t eat it in land of stinking chocolate), crisps (again, don’t really eat crisps here, not enough flavours), sweets (actually don’t really eat them either) and have taken up drinking 2 litres of water a day (drink enough water already. See Lent should about changing your life for longer than 40 days).
I might resume my lake walks and runs, they seem to have fallen by the wayside recently. Hmm..well I’ve a got a day to decide.
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