On Friday night despite extreme tiredness from late nights and working with Sei Young when Maggie asked did I want to go to the Mall with her my planned activity of falling asleep watching TV went out the window. I bought two t-shirts from Gap incase you are interested which I guess you’re not, but sure I’ve told you anyway!
On Saturday morning I was up early (8.30am – no double figures!). I had stuff to do and felt that as I had eaten like a Queen for the past week I should do some form of exercise. I didn’t have time to go round the whole lake so just took a shorter route. Despite Tuesday’s glory it still wiped me out!
At the pre-arranged time I went to the office to get a call from Julie. I talked to her for ages and it was just like being at home. Aww, I miss her.
I took my laptop to the office and updated my virus protection stuff (the summer’s hard drive loss has scarred me). I also downloaded a few songs off iTunes. I got Meck – ‘Thunder In My Heart’, Chris Tomlin – ‘Enough’, Jose Gonzalez – ‘Heatbeats’, Fall Out Boy – ‘Sugar We're Going Down’ and Richard Ashcroft – ‘Break the Night with Colour’. I made all of these into a CD of my current favourite songs. Also included was Johnny Cash (bought a CD last week, oh dear) a few songs from WOW 2006 and Arcade Fire.
The CD provided great entertainment for the drive down to Jose’s that afternoon. Sarah (skiing buddy) just graduated so I was invited down for the celebration and then Sunday’s Superbowl. We went out for dinner and then to a club. Dancing would not my first choice to spend a night, but having said that I always have a good time when I go. This club was a little bit too much R&B and not enough Dance and Cheesy Pop for my liking but hey ho.
On Sunday morning, despite Saturday night’s partying we went to church like good Christians. I like churches in America, you get a choice of times. Obviously we went for the latest one available. After church we (Me + boys) went for lunch. I like to think am a well rounded individual and can pretty much hold my own in any conversation. I have good general knowledge and am interested in learning about new things and hearing others’ points of view. Yesterday the conversation all lunchtime was football (American) and it was more than I could handle. Boys!
After lunch the boys were going to play Football. I am not a boy and do not play Football, so I watched. The sides were a little uneven and Jose’s team scored countless touchdowns whilst the other team scored none!

The clear blue sky is slightly deceiving, there was a cold wind a-blowing!
After football we got ready for the Superbowl Party. While Jose and Will showered I made Brownies for the party. How American have I become?! They turned out well, I think. I have nothing really to compare them to! It really wasn’t hard to make them, throw the mix in the bowl, add the water, oil and eggs, mix it up and put it in the oven. It wasn’t baking in the true sense of the word. And just incase before you slag me for being the woman in the kitchen I made them to save time. Not out of some female-baking-for-the-boys-and-their-football-game way.
As I’ve said before, I could watch any sport at all. And I like my national events, no matter what country I am. It was good to watch it with people who actually understood the finer points of the game. There were girls at the party but for the most part it was me and a room full of boys! Score! There was lots of ‘swwweeeeet’ and ‘dooode’ shouts. Ah Americans! You’ve got to love them!
I enjoyed my first Superbowl. American Football is very stop-start and filled with adverts, although because it was the Superbowl they were new and funny. The half time show was the Rolling Stones, I have much more of a problem with Mick Jagger’s t-shirt riding up his body as he moves than Janet Jackson and her ‘wardrobe malfunction’. Nobody wants to Mick Jagger’s belly.
I was glad the Steelers won. Only because once upon a time I was in Pittsburgh. A tenuous link I know, but I have no connection with Seattle whatsoever. Looking at it from my novice position, they were the better team, although the calls did kind of go their way too. But that’s sport, sometimes you just get the rub of the green.

And I thought I had superior calves!
This is Jerome Bettis, the Steelers' Running Back, Jose was telling me about him. He was going to retire after the end of last season but I beat he’s glad he didn’t because yesterday he won his first Superbowl. He’s 33 which apparently is a fair age to be still playing football, especially as a Running Back. Superbowl XL was in Detroit, his hometown. He announced his retirement after they won and I’m glad. It will never get better than winning the Superbowl in your hometown!
So after the Superbowl I stayed again with Jose and drove up to the Lake this morning. I got up way too early, but all in all it was worth it.
So is the superbowl like football?
I always thought it was bowling!
Love Nicky xxx
Aww bless you! Yes, the Superbowl is football, but the American kind (which is looks more like Rugby to the untrained eye).
All the cups here are called 'bowls', like the College final is called the Rosebowl. I don't know why!
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