Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I posted this without a title first time!

I mentioned before about the hasty decision last week to give up all beverages except for water, milk, and pure orange and apple juice. Hasty indeed. Is it possible the headaches I've been getting is because my body can't handle not having the sweet nectar that is Coca Cola?

Yesterday I had the funniest dinners since I got home with my parents. I laughed until I cried. What was so funny? Well, it seems that I only have twenty years of decent eye sight left before it all goes downhill and I have to get a speaking clock. I think I should have taken up eating carrots instead in an attempt to stop the rot, as it were.

Anyway, did you hear that thing on the news today about the high pitched sound that only dogs and teenagers can hear that is emitted from areas where the latter congregate? Part of me thinks in some way it's a gross violation of human rights.

The other makes me sad I cannot hear it. I'm sure that wasn't the desired outcome of the story.

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