Thursday, January 12, 2006

My goodness, more Christian activity

People will really begin to think I am a Christian at this rate! Last night I went to the Bible Study in the welcome pack giving church. Roma had told me to introduce myself to the leader, as she (Roma) had talked about me to her. My reputation precedes me! So I did. My goodness, what a lovely, lovely lady! She’s the sort of woman you wish was your Granny! For example, as I walked up to say hiya, she greeted me with ‘what a pretty young lady!’ I think more people should greet me this way!

Anyway, she was talking about Hosea which, if I’m honest, is not a book I can say I’ve looked at before. She’s an amazing teacher and gave all the background and then went through the story. The crux of what she was saying was that God doesn’t want us to be sacrificed, He wants the relationship. Even when you make a mess out of your life, if you come before God with repentance He can fix it and restore it. He wants you to come home.

The other thing about last night was that they announced that a woman from the church had died suddenly that morning from a massive heart attack. There was an audible gasp from everyone as they came to terms with the news. That’s when it hit me, I might miss everyone at home, but I also miss the community that church brings. I miss knowing people here. It’s hard to start from scratch, with people not knowing who you are and you not knowing them.

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