Thursday, March 09, 2006

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye (well kind of)

Tomorrow we go to Seoul on a recce for the conference. When I first heard about having to go on this trip I was so excited. George told me when we driving from Atlanta after he picked me up from the airport when I first arrived. But now, the day before the trip, I’m not sure I’m that excited.

Well, I am and I’m not. I’m excited to go to a different country in a continent where I’ve never been before, I’m excited I’ll be the first B. to cross the International Date Line and I’m looking forward to experiencing a totally different culture. In term of work, I’m looking forward to seeing where the conference is going to be and getting answers to all the questions we have. But I am not looking forward to the politics.

If you know anything about Korea, you’ll know there is fair bit of politics (if you don’t, think M*A*S*H*). But that’s not the politics to which I refer.

It’s church politics. Why is it with churches there is always politics? I really don’t think that what Jesus had in mind. Church politics is responsible for turning people off the church and sadly all that entails.

So if you pray, please pray for us. Pray for safety as we travel. Pray that we’ll, well more George, will have the words to say. Pray that we’ll deal with situations knowing God’s heart and looking to execute his will, not ours.

South Korea, being an Asian Tiger (knew that International Economics class would come in handy…some time) it is entirely possible that I blog from there, although I highly doubt it’ll be everyday. But no doubt there will be a fair few stories upon my return. Maybe even a photo or two.

As for your dossing time on tinternet during my absence, might I suggest the
BBC website, always good stuff there, especially the Magazine and the Neighbours website. Or you could read old blogs, some of my favourites are here, here, here, here and here.

1 comment:

Nicky said...

Asian Tigers! I had to learn all about them for Geography! And the NICs too! oh the joys of the economy module! lol! Love Nicky xxx

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