It wasn't as easy as getting to Jose's house but I think I pulled it off with amazing skill. Except that:
1. I broke the petrol door off my car. My thigh of steel* walked into it. It'll probably cost three times as much as the car to get it fixed. Nice one Tina.
2. There are confusing signs that say a road is both going north and south. I understand how a road can go north and east, or south and west. My, albeit limited, Geography knowledge tells me that a road cannot go north AND south. They are truly polar opposites.
3. 'La la...driving to Virginia...going to Virginia...Davina lives in la...have I ever been to Virginia before...oh yes I have been to Virginia la la la...I wonder when I'll cross the state line into la...if I knew the state song for Virginia I'd sing the Virginian state la la...Virginia...Virginia'. Imagine my surprise when I pass this sign:

'Tennessee welcomes you'. I'd like to write exactly what I thought but my mum reads this (not that she is unaware of my occassional and for mostly good reason swearing but she'd be embarrassed all the same) so let's just say I thought 'That's nice of Tennessee to welcome me, I didn't know I went through Tennessee on my way to Virginia'.
So as it turns out you have to drive THROUGH Tennessee to get to Virginia. I am drafting an email to Google Map to complain that they did not highlight this fact to me in their directions.
So I am nearly an interstate queen.
*who knew cellulite was so strong?
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