On Saturday afternoon I went to the office to receive a super important phonecall from Lynsey. She's an aunt you know. When I was there I also nuck the office hoover. I cleaned outside and inside my house. I swept the carpet of leaves that lay on my path. I can honestly say have never been jealous of anyone with a leaf blower, until now. It took me ages. I want one, but seeing as it is turning to winter I will suppress that desire. I even cleared the gutter of all the leaves using my dad’s clever idea of cutting the bottom of a bottle off (don’t laugh, he once got vouchers for B&Q or somewhere of the like for getting the idea published in a magazine.) Turns out it was smart move on my part because the weather took a NI turn and rained for 36 hours straight. And to think I was beginning to miss the rain. Ha!
On Saturday night I went to see ‘Walk the Line’, but you already know that. I was clearly not the only one who enjoyed it, people laughed out loud at bits of it. Like really laughed. Then at the end people clapped. No, truly they did. This was my first cinema trip here so I don’t know if it’s a local thing or just they thought it was so good they had to applaud. It made me laugh though because my dad does that at the end of films he likes, actually at the end of all films. He’d love it here, because I got the impression people clapping were not doing it to mock their dad, like we do at home
On Sunday morning I went to Roma’s jeans wearing minister’s church. Sadly though that minister is off sick and the assistant minister was wearing black trousers. I really liked the church though. I knew the worship songs and spoke to the Youth Pastor about what youth things there are there. But I liked the Welcome Pack Giving Church of a few weeks ago too and it’s closer. But you can’t decide on a church after one visit each, so I guess it’ll not be until after Christmas before I decide.
On Sunday afternoon I watched a highly entertaining TV programme about the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleading team. It was kind of like X-Factor but for cheerleaders. It was absolutlely hilarious, although I don't think it was supposed to be. I then decided to go around the lake. This was the first time I had run (parts of) it since I bought my new trainers. And it showed.
Yesterday I spent the day in pain from Sunday’s ‘run’. Stairs are a mean invention aimed to hurt those who are unfit but are trying to better themselves. I also got my petrol door thing put on so now my car looks less stupid. This gave me a little field trip out of the office. I love field trips.
Last night I went food shopping. It was still pishing it down and generally miserable outside. Three times when I was in the supermarket the power went out. Three times I tell you. I, of course, thought of you first and took a picture.

Unfortunately the power only went off for 10-20 seconds a time so there wasn’t time for any looting.
When I got back from the supermarket I discovered that a couple of branches had come down outside my house. I was slightly nervous of leaving my car outside, afterall I had just got it fixed. It was all ok this morning, but I did see this on my half mile drive to work.

A whole tree came down. This was as close as I could get without getting out of the car. I know, a true photojournalist would have got out, but you are forgetting that I am still in pain and it's cold outside. So just squint to see it.
So that’s been the last couple of days. You're up to date.
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