Friday, November 04, 2005

I am not a computer geek

I'm sorry if you've come to my blog in, oh let's say the last half hour (could have been an hour). I was messing around with the template (that's the way my blog appears for you non-bloggers) trying to update a few things on the side bar (at the side, duh). It just wasn't working the way I had imagined. I think I've got it all sorted now and won't be messing with it for a long time now. I have no clue what I'm doing with all this HTML code stuff so it's very much trial and error. I have to see what it looks like before I know. And that means I have to publish it and check it myself. Anyway you'll see I like and dislike a few more things now (and that 'likes' and 'dislikes' are in bold). I've also added in a couple more blogs and how I know everyone. Not a lot really, but I am not into all this computer stuff so it takes me much longer than the average geek.

Last night I did my washing and this morning I got up early and ironed! That's all in preparation for going to South Carolina to see Jose from ICYC (he of International friends=good times blog a while ago) this weekend. I'm not so domesticated that I am that keen to iron, promise! Should be a good weekend, I'm just excited I get to be with people in my age bracket! We can talk about Ipods and DVDs and other modern things.

The competition closes on Monday and winners be announced here on Tuesday (along with an email, as per the rules). I'm sure you are all dying to know who won! I can feel the tension from here!

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