Davina was on gate duty at her school, she's a teacher, and so I met her there and watched a bit of the game, actually all of the first half. I might be new to it all, only getting my crash course the weekend before but even I knew Davina's school sucked! My goodness, your granny could play better. I mean it was like watching NZ take on Belfast High (or indeed Ireland) in rugby. It didn't help that Davina's school is small and there's barely enough to make a team. They had to put in a few of their junior varsity team, which is like having the Medallion play with the Firsts.
It was honestly like watching boys against men. It was just brutal! Bless them, they'd even run the wrong way. I think that the idea was maybe to run around them but they were always brought down behind where they started. When we left at half time it was 0-35, which even with my inexperience of Football I know is an commanding lead.
But everyone in the stand was so keen, it reminded me of 'Varsity Blues', or 'Remember the Titans', you know that football is life kind of attitude. Sometimes it's ok to be crap at something, but at least you play the game. Others times you should just give up and say 'you know what, I'm not good at this and I'm going to stop the torture'. I can't decide which this was.

The line of blue players is the Junior Varsity team, along with any other small boy they could get a strip/kit/whatever you call it in American Football onto. You can also see the cheerleaders trying to whip the home crowd into a frenzy and fill us with the belief that the Eagles might actually win, let alone score.
1 comment:
And I forgot to mention the match umpire/official/referee/linesman who looked EXACTLY like Ronnie Corbett. I was the only one who noticed though, but this did not diminish its funniness in any way.
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