Thursday, November 10, 2005

'I have to turn the light on and off 17 times before I leave a room otherwise my family will die'

When I was at Jose's at the weekend I discovered he has a slight obsessive complusive tendency to check things before he leaves the house, lights, oven, doors etc. I mocked him for it. But then I started thinking about all the things I have OC tendencies about, there are a lot. Here are my top ten (counting down in a DJ manner).

10. I cannot have a mobile near me when I am sleeping. Goodness knows what the waves are doing to me during the day, let alone when I'm on the phone. When I'm sleeping I want my brain to get a break from the frying.

9. Songs ripped onto my computer must have capital letters at the start of words.

8. Toilet roll must start away from the wall.

7. The bit of my hair at the front must be straight, not an 'S' shape. I check this everytime I see myself in the reflection. I've discovered there isn't much I can do about it if it is an S (apart from make sure it is behind my ear at all times) but I still check.

6. I check to make sure my Yaris is locked about 70 times. Then I worry about whether I locked it or not. I realise this is slightly ironic, seeing as I teased Jose. That's why I like the fact the Focus beeps.

5. Things must be straight, using a spririt level if possible. By that I mean pictures on walls and things on cards. Not bottles in cupboards or towels on rails, like the husband in 'Sleeping with the Enemy'. I'm not that bad.

4. Clothes in my wardrobe at home must be categorised, eg skirts, cardigans, zip up tops, hooded tops etc. These are arranged left to right in the order they were purchased.

3. I cannot go to bed without brushing my teeth. If I happen to fall asleep before they're done, then I have to brush them as soon as I wake up.

2. CDs must be displayed in the order I got them in. I even go as to far as the order I opened them on Christmas morning. No really.

And the top thing I am OCD about is:

1. I must have one of each colour of Skittles, Smarties, M&Ms or whatever coloured sweet I'm eating left at the end. I can eat them in any order up to that point and any order once I have them left. But there has to be one of each left at the end.

I'm writing about these things because I bet there are things that you have OC tendencies about too. At least I hope there are things you are OC about, otherwise I might need to get some sort of medication...soon.

1 comment:

MinisterMoo said...

Yes Tina, you need medication. You arrange clothes in the order you bought them?... oh dear oh dear oh dear.

None of the rest of us have any such compulsions. No, really. :)

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