Wednesday, August 23, 2006

And the plastic is still on

Dear myPod,

Happy Anniversary! Six months ago I was iPod-less, my goodness I cannot remember my life before you came crashing in to it with all your great music and fun videos and cool photos (right enough I put them there but they are still super!). I can’t think of a day when I have not used you, which proves to me the worthwhileness of my investment.

I’m sorry for the times I swear at you when you cause the blue screen of death on my computer when I connect you to update. I realise this isn’t so much your fault as a Windows compatibility issue. Rest assured when the time comes to get a new computer, it’ll be an Apple so hopefully if you’re still around then and you’ll get on better with it. But it might be a good few years yet, although if there’s another hard drive crash it might be a whole lot sooner.

I’m also sorry for the time I sat on your earphones on the plane, that was completely my fault and I am just thankful for Apple’s superior online customer service which got the problem solved quickly, even though it was 100% my fault. They could teach O2 a lot!

I should also take this opportunity to apologise for the number of country songs on you, I am hoping that this is simply due to my location. I think there must be something in the water here, and as soon as I return to Irish shores you’ll not have to play them so much, if at all.

So thank you for helping me discover the joys of downloading music (legally I might add) and finding albums that I haven’t listened to in years. You make car journeys, walks round the lake and my life in general much more music filled.

Here’s to another six months (I actually hope for many more, goodness knows you were expensive enough to warrant it.)


Tina xxx

PS Those people at Apple should come up with some sort of WiFi thing that means you can actually read this.


MinisterMoo said...

RIP My Sweet Cheap eBay mp3/FMradio player. You didn't cost too much but while I had you it was the best of times. I plugged you into my car stereo, I listened to you in the library and on the train. You gave me Moyles in the morning and Delirious in the evening.

If only you had lasted more than two months and the eBay seller had not vanished off the face of the planet, we might have had longer together. I miss you.

But not enough to never try again - I hope you don't mind that I'm just waiting for my current phone contract to end before switching to another company and getting a Sony walkmancameraphonethingy with loads of texts and free broadband thrown in.

Kaz said...

go on take the plastic off!!

Tina said...

I will not Karen. But you will be pleased to hear I took it off my phone!

Ross, you'll tell yourself that other MP3 players are ok, but you just need to bite the bullet and save for an iPod!

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