Art just came in to my office there to say thanks as they have been enjoying eating it over the past few days. He said that it was perhaps the finest cake he’s ever tasted. I find hard to believe because in his former life as a minister he must have had his fair share of cakes at cake sales. Also Betty is a former HE teacher and the equivalent of the MWI President for the area. Again, this points to a life of fine cakes. The other reason why I find it hard to believe it because I made it from one of those packs, you know the sort, just add water.
The thing was that as I came to make it I realised I didn’t have butter which the directions called for. I wasn't sure the supermarket own brand ‘You Might Think This Is Butter If You Have No Taste Buds But It Sure Doesn’t Rip Up The Bread Like Butter Does’ spread would work. So I added 1/3 cup of vegetable oil instead.
Looks like it turned out alright though, Art said so. And a man of the cloth wouldn't lie, would he?

*For illustration purposes only, this is not my chocolate cake. I would hardly take a slice out of and then take a photo before taking it round to them. Plus mine had M&Ms on top. Far more colourful if you ask me.
I was never really a choc person, more a crisp girl!
now i'm strangely likin' it a lot more, and i sooo want a big bite of that cake!!
why have i such cravings, i must go buy a pregnancy test.!!! yeah right.
hey tina,
your blog makes me laugh :-)
hope you keep it up - you are very funny!!
Wee Ali! Good to hear from you! Hope you're doing well chica.
I seem to remember that you were pretty funny yourself!
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