Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Twice in one week

I have once again been brought to the brink by mail merge. So no road trip report because, quite frankly I am not in the mood. I am not in the mood to do anything except throw my computer through the window. Depending on whether my computer makes it to tomorrow there might be a report tomorrow.

Good luck everybody.


Tina said...

Ha ha! Swivel mail merge! I beat you! It only took seven hours and I have no clue what I did but you are the loser...again!!

Tina said...

Thanks, but once I got it to work I wasn't about to wake the beast!

Inexplicably all I did was add two decimal places to two random coloumns in the Excel file I was merging and all of a sudden it wanted to play the game!

Yesterday was nothing but frustration and if I had not found out the secret magic word I might have very well needed the tutorial so thanks.

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