Monday, August 14, 2006

Nope, blank, can't think of a title

This weekend I didn’t do too much but as always I have stuff to write about from the weekend:

- I talked to Julie and Lynsey on Saturday and Sunday. It officially starts my re-integration into NI life, hearing all the news from back home.

- I watched a lot of Smallville. I’ve never watched it before, I don’t normally like things outside of the realms of possibility, but it’s alright and passes the time sufficiently. I can’t imagine that this interest will continue when I return to my (albeit limited) multi-channel world.

- Evening activities were thus:

  • Museum Dinner on Friday night, I was the youngest person there. Ya ho.
  • On Saturday night I went to the cinema with Maggie. Not much to tell you from that, we saw ‘You, Me and Dupree’. No clapping at the end though.
  • Sunday night I flaffed a bit I made August’s playlist. There’s no country on it…yet. Songs on it include:
    -The Feeling – Never Be Lonely (love this song!)
    -Kiss – God Gave Rock ‘n’ Roll to You (Was singing it all day after watching Jools’ video)
    -The Cardigans – Live and Learn (Used in Grey’s Anatomy)
    -Remy Zero – Save Me (Smallville is to blame for this)

- After the dinner I went to the supermarket. I was reasonably healthy and bought lots of fruit. I don’t buy apples because it would be cheaper to drive round to Granny Smith’s herself and offer to pay for her holiday to the Bahamas in exchange for a few of her produce. So I bought cheap bananas ($0.33 per lb) and excitingly some Georgia peaches ($0.48 per lb). I then spent all weekend wondering when the peaches would ripen, which is not some sort of euphemism, I actually did wonder. It made me laugh every time because of the Eddie Izzard bit on one of his Live videos (the traditional Christmas present to my Uncle), the bit about pears ripening, ‘not yet, not yet, hold it….NOW! And spoil’. You should try to see it if you don’t know what I’m talking about. You could ask my Uncle to borrow the video if you want. But I am wise to these peaches! They will not go bad!

- Yesterday I made my traditional calendar which if you have ever been in my room will know what it looks like. Shut up, it helps me see the weeks coming up. Anyway in an effort to avoid the monumental laziness that has come of late, I have devised a points system, think along the lines of CE or Sunday School. But on my there are no points for attendance, memory verse or bringing your bible. Oh no, I get points for getting up early (alright not so much early as being on time for work), eating my meals in rather than being lazy and going out, and for doing some kind of exercise. I thought that once I get like 15 points or something I get some sort of a prize (but not stickers or a pencil sharpener with ‘Jesus loves me’ on it like in CE, something decent) How sad am I? Yeah, no need to answer that question in the comments, I already know.

- I spent an all together too long a time this morning finding out how unique I am in the UK (according to Electoral lists). I turn out to be quite unique, apparently as rare as a wombat’s wingnut. Woo hoo. I then of course checked everyone else I know (chances are if you are reading this I checked you). Turns out as rare as I am, at least three people that read this are unique in the UK. I’ll leave you to click the link to find out if it’s you.
You’re not me (I made it grammatically correct. There’s no excuse for poor grammar).


Tina said...

Isn't it fun?!

Never mind that you aren't unique, you're my favourite one of the fifty five!

Tina said...

That'd be right cause my guess is you don't vote as Kari and this is supposed to be from electoral lists.

But you are also my favourite one!!

MinisterMoo said...

Yay! Unique!

MinisterMoo said...

Ooh! And I just discovered that by marrying me, Kathryn became waaaaay more unique - from 18 down to 2!

Where do you find these things Tina? I'm always amazed.

Tina said...

Yup! You were one of my unique friends! So you have to be my favourite one!

I'm sure there were many other reasons why Kathryn married you!

The hours I spend dossing on tinternet means that once in while you find something of genuine interest!

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