You just can’t lie and say you got stuck in traffic in the country
You just can’t smell good in the country
You just can’t find a 24 hour Tescos in the country
You just can’t help being bored in the country
You just can’t get Pizza Hut to deliver in the country
You just can’t drink starbucks in the country
You just can’t keep secrets in the country
Building confidence with a Mantis Tiller
Building confidence with choux pastry
Building confidence with crazy paving
Building confidence with sword grass
Building confidence with rampant mediocrity
Building confidence with green playdoh
Building confidence with incontinence pants
But here are the much awaited answers. I took photos of them for fear that they would not be believed unless seen.

But I wonder can you beat it with a big stick?!

Of course, a birdhouse, that well known confidence booster!
One other thing - it has been brought to my attention that I said 'googles' in my last post, I clearly meant 'goggles'. Multiple internet search engines are no good at protecting your eyes from exploding plates.
totally impressed that you're in the States - how come you got to stay there and I didn't!!! Stupid Methodists!!!
Anyway just been reading through your blog and have added a wee link from mine to yours - I hope this favour will be reutned!!!
I'm glad you're having fun in the States - I'm well jealous!!
Keep in touch - and are you sure you won't be able to make it to church on Sunday??!!
did you get any interesting postcards yet??????
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