Thursday, October 27, 2005

I don't see what all the fuss is about

Do you ever wonder what a TV documentary would show of your life, you know all the bits that you hoped nobody else saw? I cringe at the thought of seeing myself on TV, and yesterday's trip to the petrol station makes me cringe even more.

First of all I pulled up on the wrong side (the right side for my Yaris, but wrong for the Focus)

Then I drove round to be on the right side and saw that the pump was out of order.

I drove onto another pump, being careful to still be on the right side.

I got out of the car and tried to fill up. Then I noticed the pre-pay only sign.

So I went to pay. I walked up to the doors of the shop. I waited for the doors to open. Then I realised they were not automatic.

I went in and paid for my $20 of petrol, handed over two $10 notes and I waited for my change.

Oh my goodness! Please never have a camera crew follow me around, I couldn't cope with the shame it would bring to my family.

But this is what I couldn't believe, my $20 nearly filled up the tank. I worked it out using some helpful conversion websites, to convert gallons to litres and dollars to pounds, that my petrol cost about 40p per litre! That's not a typo, I did mean to press a 4 and a 0. 40p a litre!! Everyday there are news reports here about the high price of gas and how it's going to continue to rise blah blah blah. But 40p a litre?! It hasn't been that price at home since the war. Well ok, maybe not that long ago, but still. 40p a litre! What are you all moaning about?! At that price I'd buy a SUV, not trade it in to buy a hybrid!


pamelaalgie said...

tina why dont you have a link to me in your blog? It makes me sad. ALso have you recieved any interesting postcards lately?

Love Pam xxx

maxwell's house said...

That's freakin awesome - great story dude!!!

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