Hurray! Here’s the cable man! He came on Friday, after I spent 3 evenings with no TV. All you would need to do to punish me is take away my TV. I like having a background noise. I like having TVs all over the house on so you can follow a programme while walking through the house doing whatever it is you are walking through the house. Sadly I only have this little TV here, kindly donated by Roma, so there’ll be no walking and watching TV here but sometimes you can’t have it all! I have 70 odd channels here, including some decidedly crap ones, but last night I was able to watch Series 7 of The West Wing and Series 2 of Desperate Housewives so it’s not all bad news!
On Saturday I went to the Waynesville Apple Fest on Saturday (if I’m truthful, it’s the reason I came here!). There were a lot of these types of clothes. I don’t know why they were on sale at an Apple Fest, some things are beyond our knowledge.

Maybe some of you will be lucky enough to get one of these little babies for Christmas! Styling!
After the fun that was the Apple Fest I came back home and got ready to go to Walmart to change the sofa cover I bought on Thursday night. Walking down the path I hit a branch with my toe cut it open! And that’s why we weren’t allowed to wear flip flops at camp!

In my defence, it was more camouflaged by the leaves than this photo would make it appear.

Sorry feet-hating people! But it would not stop bleeding! Incidently my short second toe is the result of a shorter metatarsal bone in my foot which has pulled my toe in (so says Jude, my podiatrist friend).

I did not bring plasters with me and had not yet had such an emergency so had to go to Walmart with a kitchen roll bandage! I’m too cool!
On Sunday Virginia and I drove to Maryville, TN to see Grace and Stephen (from ICYC). That was very cool. I had seen Virginia’s photos of ICYC on Thursday night and talked about Steve and how he was in my small group. She knew already that they were both going to TN this weekend and arranged it so we could surprise them! Stephen knew I was in NC but had no clue we were coming and Grace just had no clue! She’s invited me up to Wisconsin sometime, so yay!

Grace preached and as she left the pulpit, she walked out of the church to the airport. So Virginia and I took them. Sadly I’ve got my eyes closed but oh well! Steve has a new haircut. It was bright bright red before! Trying to decide which I prefer!
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