Getting a mobile here was not that easy. You practically need to sign your life away before they give you one. I looked at getting a pay as you go type mobile, but they don’t work the same way. You have to pay $1 a day for service and then for all your calls and texts, made or received. The monthly option was better for me because I get free evening and weekend calls. And out of my monthly line rental I get free minutes. However, and this is where is gets really crappy, calls I receive at peak times (unless they’re from other Verizon people) get taken out of my minutes!! What a crazy system! I did not ask to be called, why are they charging me?! This is clearly just a way for mobile companies to get twice as much money. If I go over my free minutes then I get charged an extortionate rate, so needless to say should I go over my free minutes I will not be answering my ‘cell phone’ unless it is after 9.00pm (when off-peak starts, another reason to moan, why so flipping late?!). It is no wonder texting didn’t really catch on here! If you have to pay for every single one your phone encounters, I wouldn’t impose such a charge on my friends either!
The next thing for me to moan about is the type of phone I got. I’m a Nokia girl. Since I got my very first phone way back in the last millennium I’ve always had a Nokia. I think I’m on my 4th now. I think they are the best, they are simple to use and seem to have a certain modicum of common sense built into them. As Karen Next Door says ‘once you’ve had a Nokia everything else is shit!’ Well how right she is! My phone is a Motorola and seems to work in the exact opposite way to a Nokia and with no common sense at all. I think it’s a conspiracy. I would have picked out any Nokia they had in the shop because you know what you are getting with a Nokia, but they didn’t have any! Not one! I think it might be because of America’s love of a clamshell phone, until recently Nokia didn’t really have any. Anyway, I had no choice but to cheat on Nokia and go Motorola. I feel bad and I’m not happy so I hope Nokia wouldn’t be mad at me. I spent most of last night trying to work it out and I made some progress. But when it came to trying to get photos from my new phone to my computer there wasn’t a way to connect my ‘cell’ to my computer. With brilliant Nokia you get a data cable which goes from your phone to a USB port, with sucky Motorola you get nada. Nothing. Zip. Zero. Zilch. I went back to the shop to ask them and they said that the only way I could do it was to email from my phone to my email address. Now surely there has to be another way! I will have far too many uncover photos to pay 25c every time I want to do that. I thought maybe I could Bluetooth them across to my clever Nokia, but nope, they seem to not want to connect. The other way I was thinking was to get a Bluetooth dongle thing for my laptop, although I’ve never used one so I don’t actually know if that’ll work. There is a slot for a memory card in my phone but I can’t seem to find out what sort of memory card it takes, it looks like a very tiny hole and the reduced size memory card in my amazing Nokia is even too big for it. So I’m really at a loss at this point. Maybe if some of you have some clever ideas (and I’m really looking at you Alan) you can email me. Until then I will be carrying on with my super Nokia for undercover photos. I heart Nokia.

It’s a flippy phone. It came with and leather case and belt clip thing. I decided it looked a bit rare so took it off! I might get bullied if I look rare! They’ll pick on the rare Irish girl with her rare cell phone cover. I can’t have that. I must look cool at all times.

Apparently it was 10.15pm when I took this photo.
PS Since writing this I have been on the Motorola website and have discovered that you can buy a cable/bluetooth thing and CD Rom with the programme for your computer for a mere $60! Hmm... might just need to suffer it.
I also feel slightly bad at writing such a negetive blog about my new phone. I sound like right spoilt little princess, so here are four things I like about my new phone:
1. It flips open. I open and close it even though I know there will no message or missed call. I just like doing it.
2. My wallpaper appears as a watermark throughout all the menus.
3. I like the dual screens, the outside one can be used as a screen for taking a photo of yourself.
4. There's a flash on the camera! Although this might conflict with my undercover photo taking. And there does seem to be at least some light at the end of the tunnel regarding my phone and computer link up.
But despite all this I still heart Nokia. But maybe one day I will be able to say I half-heart Motorola?
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